Data wrangling & manipulation in R - workshop site

Day 2 notes: Manipulating your data & an intro to dplyr

Ruan van Mazijk

A note on base vs tidyverse R data manipulation

data[, columns]
data[rows, ]

data[, 4]
data[, "plantheight"]

data[1:10, ]
data[data$soil == "a", ]

Compare these to the tidyverse-equivalents, from dplyr:

data %>%
data %>%
  filter(soil == "a")


Verbs to manipulate your data

select()  # operates on columns
filter()  # operates on rows


data %>%

# These do the same thing:
data %>%
  select(plant_height, soil, lon, lat, veg_type)
data %>%
# Think 1:10 but with words!

data %>%
# Think data[, -10],
# Or like gather(key, value, -foo)

# These do the same thing:
data %>%
  select(plant_height, plant_weight, plant_LAI)
data %>%
# See also:
#   contains()   ends_with()  matches()
#   num_range()  one_of()     starts_with()

# We can also select() all columns that satisfy a predicate:
data %>%
# Accepts base R functions (sans "()"):
#   is.logical  is.character  is.numeric
#   is.factor   is.datetime

data %>%

data %>%
  filter(plant_height <= 10)

data %>%
  filter(plant_height <= 10, vegtype == "fynbos")
# Multiple conditions must all be satisfied
# So it "&"s them, so it would be the same as:
data %>%
  filter(plant_height <= 10 & vegtype == "fynbos")

# We can use "or" with the  "|" operator:
data %>%
  filter(plant_height <= 10 | plant_weight >= 60)

# Intervals?
data %>%
  filter(plant_height <= 10 & plant_height >= 0.5)
# There is also a tidy way!
data %>%
  filter(plant_height %>% between(0.5, 10))

Diagrams illustrating gather(), spread(), separate() and unite() are taken from RStudio cheatsheets (CC BY SA RStudio)