Please refer to the pre-tut setup, if you haven’t already, before we begin.

What is R Markdown?

R Markdown is a document preparation system, like MS Word, but completely different. Importantly, it works in plain-text and is highly accessible, open source, and makes it really easy to embed R-code in documents (e.g. to create figures or tables).

Document preparation systems

Document prep systems vary. There are those where what you see is what you get in the final document (“WYSIWYG”-systems; e.g. MS Word), and there are those where what you see is what you mean (“WYSIWYM”-systems; e.g. markup languages such as HTML, LaTeX).

R Markdown is based on the markup language “Markdown”. Markdown was invented to be a simpler alternative to more complicated markup languages like HTML and LaTeX. These markup languafes are often quite hard to read in raw-form and even harder to write. See for yourself:





The benefits of R Markdown

What R Markdown does is extend Markdown by making R-code (and other programming languages) executable from within the document’s source file, allowing the results to show up in the final document (e.g. figures or tables), thereby “weav[ing] together narrative text and code to produce elegantly formatted output” (

It also adds a bit more functionality to Markdown with simple syntax for in-text references, equations, and more.

And, best of all, it makes the results of any analysis fully reproducible!

How does R Markdown work?

R Markdown takes the file you write (e.g. analysis.Rmd), converts it to plain markdown using the R-package knitr, then converts it any of the output formats you choose, using the open source software pandoc.

Possible output formats

An R Markdown (.Rmd) file has two main components:

  1. the YAML header
  2. and the body


analysis.Rmd might look like this:

title: My analysis
author: Ruan van Mazijk
date: 2019-11-15
output: html_document

# Introduction

Blah blah blah blah ...

# Methods

Etc. etc. etc. ...

Rendering your document

Use the output specified in the header


Or over-ride it

  output_format = "pdf_document"

Using Markdown-style markup


# A heading

## A sub-heading

### A sub-sub-heading

(Can go down 6 levels)

Unordered lists

- Item
- Item
- Item
  - Sub-item
  - Sub-item
    - Sub-sub-item
    - Etc.

Unordered lists cont.

  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
    • Sub-item
    • Sub-item
      • Sub-sub-item
      • Etc.

Ordered lists

1. Item
2. Item
3. Item
  a. Sub-item
  b. Sub-item
    1. Sub-sub-item
    2. Etc.

Ordered lists cont.

  1. Item
  2. Item
  3. Item
    1. Sub-item
    2. Sub-item
      1. Sub-sub-item
      2. Etc.

Simple tables

Column1 | Column2 | Column 3
Row1    |         |
Row2    |         |
Row3    |         |

Simple tables cont.

Column1 Column2 Column 3


<!--A comment-->
<!--(won't get rendered in any of the final output(s))-->


You need a .bib file, which looks like this (e.g. example.bib):

 author = {West, A.G. et al.},
 year = {2018},
 title = {A previous study},
 journal = {Nature},
 number = {50},
 volume = {49},
 pages = {340--346}

(Mendeley and other reference managing software can easily generate this file for you from your library.)

And link it to analysis.Rmd in the YAML header:

bibliography: example.bib

By adding the following heading to the end of analysis.Rmd:

# References

It will automatically produce the reference list!

Our study aligns with previous findings
[@paper1; @paper2].

Our study aligns with previous findings (West 2018; West 2017).


We can embed figures in our document. echo=FALSE tells R Markdown not to display the code chunk that generates the figure.

\    ```{r, echo=FALSE}
\    plot(cars)
\    ```

(Ignore the backslashes)

R-code cont.

Alternatively, we can set echo=TRUE:

\    ```{r, echo=TRUE}
\    x <- 1:100
\    y <- 3 * jitter(x, 100)
\    m <- lm(y ~ x)
\    visreg::visreg(m)
\    ```

x <- 1:100
y <- 3 * jitter(x, 100)
m <- lm(y ~ x)

A live-coding example!

Further reading

R Markdown “Getting Started” Tutorial.

R Mardown Cheatsheet.

R Markdown Reference Guide.

Yihui, X., Allaire, J.J., Grolemund, G. (2018). R Markdown: The Definitive Guide.


West, A.G. et al. 2017. “An Even Older Study.” Nature 32 (46): 189–203.

———. 2018. “A Previous Study.” Nature 49 (50): 340–46.